What to expect on your first visit

Welcome to the McKinney Orthodontics family! We are delighted to have you as a new patient and look forward to embarking on this journey with you to a healthy and beautiful smile.

We understand that your first orthodontist visit may come with questions or some level of uncertainty. Rest assured, your comfort and well-being are our top priorities. Dr. McKinney and our experienced team are here to guide you every step of the way, making your experience as smooth and informative as possible. 


Your initial appointment will take approximately 30-60 minutes. Dr. McKinney will perform a comprehensive examination of your teeth, jaw, bite and overall oral health. This evaluation will help us recommend the most suitable treatment plan tailored to your unique orthodontic needs. Don’t hesitate to share any concerns or goals you have in mind for your smile, so that we can incorporate them into your treatment. Our goal is to help you achieve the healthy smile that you are looking for!


At McKinney Orthodontics, we strongly believe in patient education. We will take the time to explain your treatment options, discuss the expected timeline, and address any financial considerations. We want each patient to make informed, confident decisions about their orthodontic care. 


Your first visit is the beginning of a partnership aimed at achieving a confident and beautiful smile. And our commitment to your oral health continues throughout your treatment journey. We will provide ongoing support, answer your questions, and strive to make each visit an encouraging and comfortable experience! 


Tips for a great first appointment

  • You must have had a dental checkup within 6 months of your initial consultation
  • Complete new patient paperwork before your visit
  • Text or email the front and back of your insurance card for coverage verification

What your first visit will include

  • Initial exam with Dr. McKinney
  • Discussion of treatment options and timeframe
  • Cost of treatment and financing options
  • Diagnostic records of scans/X-rays with same-day treatment